Don’t think of autism as a heavy weight, think of it as a pair of wings

When I recently attended the Autism Conference in Victoria, TX, I gave some advice as to what Asperger’s should be treated like; “Don’t think of autism as a heavy weight, think of it as a pair of wings.”, and everyone in the room was amazed by the analogy. To describe it, Asperger’s is like a pair of wings because many Aspies achieve very high goals in their lives. That’s the complete opposite of a weight. It’s an uplifting aspect. No Aspie should think of their Aspergers as a hindrance, it should be thought of as a vital and powerful life aspect, like the wings of a bird.

 “Don’t think of autism as a heavy weight, think of it as a pair of wings.”    -Sam Allen

After the conference, my mother and her good friend were amazed as to how I came up with that quote off the top of my head. I did indeed come up with it off the top of my head. I felt that it rang a bell and would be inspirational. My mother even considered putting the quote in a frame like my last quote. I feel quotes like these can be an inspiration to those who need help in knowing that Aspergers is a gift, not a hold-back.

-Sam Allen

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