Beth not only mentally switches off from the ad on TV; she also shows that she dislikes it.
To begin with, the ad on the screen doesn’t hold her interest: she looks blankly at the TV screen and touches her hair in a distracted way.
Then the mouth show key signs of annoyance: she presses her lips together tightly and pulls down the corners of her mouth. She purses her lips with displeasure and disengages from the screen by glancing away and blinking.
Signs to note
- watching with an unfocused gaze
- she touches her hair
- compresses her lips
- stretches and pulls down the corners of her mouth
- purses her lips
- glances away to her right
By John Habershon
Dr John Habershon has spent many hundreds of hours conducting in-depth interviews during his career in consumer and social research. Over the last eight years he has analysed the nonverbal responses captured on video on a wide range of topics, ranging from favorite products and advertising on TV, to bereavement and stress at work. He became involved in work for those on the autism spectrum through friends with Asperger’s in the family and has created Emotions Reader, ( an interactive program with quizzes to help users identify facial expressions. John has a long standing interest in understanding emotions, having gained his PhD on the psychological effects of unemployment at Imperial College, London University. He has been elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.