We can see that Laura is not interested in the statement she is reading. Her gaze is unfocused, her eyes look blank. She’s zoning out. But she is not just uninterested. She finds the idea on the page boring, which we see from her compressed lips and the downturned cornersContinue Reading

It is useful to think of emotions as releasing energy in the body. When something amuses us it produces a broad smile, the sound of laughter perhaps, but always movement in the body. (Note: there is purposely no audio with the above video) Here we can see that Jennifer atContinue Reading

The dictionary defines glee as: ‘great delight, especially from one’s own good fortune’ Lindsay has just been asked about a household brand. By coincidence, the makers had only recently given her exceptionally good service, replacing an expensive part at no cost. She is more than just pleased, she is delightedContinue Reading

How can we tell the difference between someone simply enjoying something, on the one hand, and getting excited by it, on the other? The answer lies in the movement of the body.   The way Lisa smiles as she talks about this exciting topic, tells us that she is experiencingContinue Reading

When asked to think about a particular fashion brand, Karen doesn’t try to hide how dissatisfied she would be if she owned it. It is immediately expressed, as she pulls down the corners of her mouth and presses her lips together. This is a good example of someone displaying theirContinue Reading