TONIGHT! Aspergers101 Facebook Live-Streaming Series

Watch Dr. Temple Grandin at her Best! Livestreaming tonight 7pm (CST) on the Aspergers101 Facebook Page

Autism and My Path Through Life: Presented by Dr. Temple Grandin

7p (CST) Monday October 14th Dr. Temple Grandin has graciously given her permission to offer access to her talk at the Aspergers101 recent event in San Antonio, “Unlocking the Potential: An Evening with Dr. Temple Grandin”. You’ll have a front row seat to her speech: “Autism and My Path Through Life” recorded April 19th 2018 at the San Antonio Pearl Stable. We’ve heard Dr. Grandin speak on numerous occasions and believe us, she was on fire! The runtime 48:54 and we feel certain you will want to take notes…its our gift to you! You can access this free event on the Aspergers101 Facebook Page. The link is below.-Jennifer Allen/Founder Aspergers101

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