Pets and Asperger Syndrome

Allen Acres August 2014 024If you have a child with Aspergers who interacts well with animals, there’s no need to be surprised. People with Aspergers tend to bond more with animals than they do with people. In fact, many neurotypicals would see Aspies as animal whisperers due to how well they bond with animals.

One time, we visited someone who is a gypsy and she owned some cats and dogs. Seeing as how I like animals, I began petting them and they liked it. When she saw that her animals had immediately taken a liking to me, she was surprised and said it was as if I had a gift where I can bond with animals.

That scenario was a perfect example of how Aspies and animals are like bread and butter. I have a Yorkshire Terrier who I love to be around. I encourage any parent with an Aspie child to get them a pet that they would love to bond with. Whether it’s the classic dog or the trustworthy horse, having pets can prove to be very enjoyable for both the parents and the child.

By: Sam Allen

As a parent to a son with Autism, companionship was what I had desired for Sam especially during those challenging school age years. With no prospect of birthday party invitations or after school gatherings, I worried (turns out far more than I needed to) for Sam’s emotional needs. To this day, Max (pictured above with Sam) offers just the right amount of support.

Not just for those on the Spectrum

Animals will seemingly listen and not judge you based on your social skills or designer apparel labels. You can vent your troubles, remain in total silence for hours or hug them and their tail is still wagging the next day! I can recall, as a little girl, moving to a new town where families had been established as friends for generations. Coming in as a middle school student had its social challenges even for a neurotypical! Compounding the isolation, I developed a near fatal form of pneumonia where I was functioning with only one lung for weeks. It was at this point that I met a stray German Shepherd mutt that changed everything…my newfound confidant, Nellie Jean.

That dog walked me to the bus stop every morning and was there waiting for me upon my return. Our walks in the nearby woods, rides on the tractor and adventures that mirrored much the book Because of Winn-Dixie  afforded a lonely, gangly girl unconditional friendship. Companionship is a fundamental need in all of us. However when diagnosed with Autism, Asperger Syndrome or a social disorder, companionship might be difficult to come by…especially in  the early years.

Consider a pet to fill in those gaps, whether for your school-age child or for yourself as an adult. Adjust your choice of pet to fit your means whether financially (hamster to horse) or geographically (apartment to suburbs) just so there is a pet to care for…and to care right back.

by: Jennifer Allen

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  1. I have Asperger’s and I form a bond with cats extremely easily. I have three cats and I let them each form their own likes and dislikes.

    My oldest cat, a female named Sara Delaney, loves watching the NFL and getting bedtime stories read to her. My youngest male, Lage Nom Ai Nom Ai, loves to play with Hot Wheels cars. My middle cat, Jolly Mon, loves whatever the other two get attention for. I guess he is stuck in “middle-child syndrome”!

    Sara has more children’s books than your local library and I leave the NFL Channel on for her. Lage has more Hot Wheels cars than all the children you know put together.

    I let my cats form their own personalities and they have not only flourished but also love me more than their own life itself as a result.

  2. Do you have any insights for a neurotypical dating an Aspy?

  3. Hello my name is Derrick and I’m 16 with Aspergers, I used to have a cat 2-3 years ago when I was told that I had Aspergers and my parents found it odd that I’m, not a dog person but with that cat, I called him rocky bc he always tried to box people and they had trained him how to use the litter box and that was it till I got there, but when I moved in with my dad and stepmom they told me that I had a little surprise and that’s when they gave me rocky within a week that little furball was my best friend even if he was only 11 weeks old at the time he followed me everywhere I went and he would game with me every day and it got to the point, that you could not keep me and that cat apart to the point we slept next to each other, we did dishes together (that’s my favorite memory of him)(my stepmom has a photo on facebook about us and she used to call us 2 of her boys rocky and sheldon) and he even followed me to school a few time so after he disappeared I’ve been heartbroken since and im trying to find a new little buddy, what pet thats not a dog or cat would be good for someone like me bc im chill most times to the point my family makes a joke that if i run they all need to run but if you can help that would be great be i feel more of a bond with animels than humans and have a nice day

  4. I am NT with an Aspie friend who has devoted his life to caring for animals. He has unwittingly become a hoarder.

    His responses to sick animals in his care have often been too late and met with confusion, shock, and a lack of awareness, resulting in what appears as neglect, although unintentional.

    I do not know how he can not see what is right in front of him.

  5. I’m a holistic behaviorist specialized and complex behavior issues I’m happy to share some insights and documents I share in my classes around dogs, empathy, and intuitive development skills around dogs.

  6. My son is 13 and has Aspergers. He is very anxious about time keeping and constantly checks the time especially at school?
    Any advice Please? I am looking at buying him a dog to try and eliviate his anxiety?

  7. Hi I am Donovan

    I have aspergers syndrome, I need help from any reliable source that can help. I have one dog, I have devoted my life to the study of canines. I have found that I can understand dogs and can hold a conversation with them, It is hard to find good sources on this.

    Main idea:One of the downsides of aspergers is that aspies don’t pick up on most social que’s despite high intelligence, I have noticed an unusual connection between those with asperger syndrome and animals. Some aspies seem to be able to understand animals, they read the body language, social ques, and energy of animals like most people do with each other. Below I will put my hypothesis, I will also have sources edited together to support my hypothesis. P.s. I have aspergers.

    Hypothesis: Aspies can understand animals because asperger syndrome protects the primal part of humans and develops it taking from encounters with animals, the growth of the primal part does not stop the growth of the rest of the mind.

    please help!!!!

    1. Donovan, I am one of those you describe with Asperger’s and an ability to communicate woth dogs. I have shelves full of dog books, have taken classes on puppy development and socialization, read every book I can afford on dogs and have had dogs in my life since childhood. I am one like you describe that can communicate with animals. Case in point: I went into a yard where two of my dogs were, a golden retriever and a poodle. The golden, Duffy, ran over to the tree, looked at the ground, then jumped back, then looked at me to seenif I got it. I said ”A snake?” He immediately ran and crouched and looked under the rock wall. I said”It went under the wall?” He looked at me like he was pleased I understood. I could not find the snake. My family thought I was nuts when I told them that Duffy told me there was a snake in the back yard and it went under the rock wall. The following day I had to take the poodle to the vet because a Copperhead snake bit him in the mouth in the same back yard. Then my family were not sure exactly how a dog could communicate that to me. They don’t get it. I do.

    2. Hello, I’m Serena. I’m someone who has Asperger’s as well. I must confirm your hypothesis as I have numerous examples of canines coming to me.
      my uncles dog, who’s name is shadow, is a wonderful example. Unfortunately, my uncle doesn’t understand shadow and they simply don’t get along. Shadow runs away from my uncles and always ends up at my house on our porch. He tells me he doesn’t like it at my uncles house and that he wants to live here, but I can’t take him in. Sometimes he’s under the porch when it rains. I had a similar incident with my neighbor’s dog, buck, who is normally a wanderer but really old. He got lost, found my house and stayed the night on the porch (He doesn’t have issues with his owner). I ended up walking them home both times.

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