The Power of Different

Autism certainly has its challenges (especially the comorbidities that may come attached) but surprising are the unique talent/gifts that medical science continues to uncover in the autistic brain. It’s both the challenges and the gifts that are explored in “The Power of Different: The Link between Disorder and Genius”, a book by Dr. Gail Saltz. Saltz is a Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the New York Presbyterian Hospital Weill-Cornell School of Medicine and a psychoanalyst with the New York Psychoanalytic Institute.

Dr. Gail Saltz

As a columnist, bestselling author, and podcast host, Dr. Saltz is one of the nation’s foremost experts on a variety of psychological and mental health issues. Aspergers101 featured Dr. Saltz in last years San Antonio event, Unlocking the Potential: An Evening with Dr. Temple Grandin, where Saltz referred to medical science discoveries of the autistic mind. It’s that video clip we want to share with you as Dr. Saltz reminds us clinically and emotionally, the power of different.

The Power of Different Podcasts

Have you ever noticed that many of the people most famous in history for having been extraordinary artists, musicians, writers, scientists, leaders, inventors were also uniquely different? Have you wondered why so many struggled with mental illness, dyslexia or some other unusual deficit? A significant percentage of today’s extraordinary individuals are quietly also todays sufferers. According to Dr. Saltz, there is a connection between talent, ability, creativity and minds that are wired differently and that is what she explores on her “The Power of different” podcast. Saltz will offer you their stories as well as experts in brain sciences who will help shed light on this phenomenon. You can email Dr. Saltz directly with your questions and show suggestions at

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