The DSM identifies Asperger’s syndrome as an autism spectrum disorder marked by impaired social interactions, also known as high-functioning autism. Definition Asperger’s syndrome (AS) is an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) marked by impaired social interactions and limited repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, and activities. Individuals with ASD have symptoms that fall onContinue Reading

When I was young, teachers (and peers) realized I could do math in my head. In third grade, I got my multiplication tables down before anyone else. When I started a new school in eighth grade, my classmates discovered I could multiply two digit numbers times other two digit numbersContinue Reading

If you have a child with Aspergers who interacts well with animals, there’s no need to be surprised. People with Aspergers tend to bond more with animals than they do with people. In fact, many neurotypicals would see Aspies as animal whisperers due to how well they bond with animals.Continue Reading

Peter Thiel — the PayPal founder, Facebook investor, and bestselling author — hates groupthink. He avoids hiring MBAs, since he says they tend to be “high extrovert/low conviction people,” a combination of traits that “leads towards extremely herd-like thinking and behavior.”  Similarly, he says that “people end up behaving more lemming-like” in places like SanContinue Reading

Autism, Asperger's

He was born in Austria in 1906. As a child, making friends didn’t come easily and he was considered lonely and remote, but he was talented in language. In particular he had an interest in poetry. He was known to quote his favorite Austrian poet to classmates—not that they wereContinue Reading

 Challenges to Spectrum Success At Birth A child is born into the world Parents don’t expect what challenges a child could bring The Challenges Your child doesn’t make eye contact Your child does not respond to their name Your child does point or acknowledge you Your child does not understandContinue Reading