Finding the Social Scene in Spite of Aspergers

Amine Al-Bahloly  has a busy social life. He is a leader for an adult Asperger Support group in San Antonio Texas where he has also been employed as a security officer among other jobs. Although he has assistance running the support group, the many outings it’s members enjoy makes us take a second look at this unique man. Though short with his responses, we thought a look at his life and how others may want to contemplate a similar support group in their city would make for an interesting read. More about Social/Support Groups at the end of the interview.

1) First, tell us a bit about yourself Amine!  10609511_789192284501678_40876846559507589_n

I love living with aspergers.  It has it’s advantages, like just being more detail orientated. I’m 28 years old and my resume reads:  Eagle Scout, Order of the Arrow Vigil Honor Member, 4th Degree Knights of Columbus. I am proud of my Roman & Maronite Catholic faith & spirituality. I have two associates degrees, one in computer information systems, from Palo Alto College in San Antonio, Texas. I currently work at Contemporary Services Corporation in Security/Event Staffing.

2) How did you come to take part in the San Antonio Area Adults with Aspergers Syndrome Support group?

I heard about this through Dema Stout and eventually became it’s leader. This support group been around for almost 5 years

3) What kind of activities do you do in your group here in San Antonio?

Movie/Video game socials, attend monthly meetings as a group and upcoming events dealing with autism. We interact well with each other as a group

4) Do other cities have such groups?                                                                                     

The only ones I’m aware of are in New Braunfels and Austin, Texas.

5) In your opinion, what challenges do people with Aspergers face in todays world?

Finding a job, Adversity, fitting in with NTs (Neurotypicals)

6) What do you think are common mis-conceptions (if any) that neuro-typicals have toward their Asperger peers?

That we can’t be in relationships, we can’t be parents or that we are  slow learning.

7) If someone is from a city that doesn’t have a support group such as yours, what advice could you give them about starting one up?

Find people that are willing to work with autistic people.














(pictured: members of San Antonio Area Adults with Aspergers Syndrome Support group with the President of the Autism Society of America, Scott Badesch)

More information about finding an adult support group for those with Aspergers:

WikiHow has a seven step overview (very basic) on how to start a support group. The list can be found here:

 GRASP:  GRASP stands for the Global and Regional Asperger Syndrome Partnership.  You can join an on-line support group but first need to join link here.

Meet-up for Asperger Community:

Wrong Planet: offers support topics and community forums.

Facebook: Aspergers Support Network

Note: this blog is a re-post from September 2015.

Finding the Social Scene in spite of Aspergers was written and compiled by: Jennifer Allen

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