Sign the Petition!

Option to place an alert system in TLETS (Texas Law Enforcement Telecommunication System) protecting both law enforcement and those with autism, hearing impairment or other communication challenges.

Aspergers101 “Driving with Autism” spokesperson Samuel Allen

Aspergers101 is striving to continue improving communication between Texas law enforcement and those with a communication challenge such as autism or a hearing impairment in the “Driving with Autism and other communication impairments” Texas initiative. Make “Communication Impairment” an option when registering your vehicle with the Texas DMV. This will allow your diagnosis to be placed in The Texas Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (TLETS) alerting the officer of the challenge prior to approaching the vehicle, averting misunderstandings.  We need signatures to help make this bill pass! Please sign the petition by clicking on the button here:)

Here is the fearful scenario: A person with Asperger Syndrome is driving and gets pulled over by an officer of the law. The stress and panic intensifies as the officer begins dialogue. This stress esulates and the officer asks the driver why are they ‘flying’ down the highway at such a great speed? Of course, the person with Asperger Syndrome takes this literally and the encounter soon takes a preventable turn toward arrest. You may plug in any of the communication challenges from below and come to the same conclusion as recent news reports dictates.

To better equip law enforcement with the knowledge of the challenge PRIOR TO approaching the vehicle is the solution. By allowing the option, when registering your vehicle with the Department of motor Vehicles as a person with a communication impairment (sub category Autism, Asperger Syndrome, Hearing Impairment, Deafness, Parkinson’s Disease, etc) an officer of the law would be alerted when entering the license plate ina pull over scenario. It’s a win-win-win however, we need to pass a bill in the upcoming 86th Texas Legislative Session to make this a reality!

  • What constitutes a Communication Impairment? Some diagnosis are:
    • Asperger Syndrome
    • Autism
    • Deafness
    • Hearing Impaired
    • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
    • Parkinson’s Disease
    • Mild Intellectual Disability
    • Down Syndrome
    • Mutism and more.

Please sign the petition and then share with your friends, neighbors or anyone on your social media lists by clicking on the button:

Our intention is to complete and successfully navigate the Driving with Autism initiative in Texas, and then share with the rest of the country! Let’s work together to protect and improve communication between law enforcement and those with Autism or other communication challenges. We will keep you posted!

Thank you for your support in making a difference in the lives of those with Asperger Syndrome!

by: Jennifer Allen/Founder Aspergers101 and the “Driving with Autism” Texas initiative.

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  1. Way to go, great accomplishment for you, Sam, and your family! I’ve signed and will share.

    1. Author

      Thank you so much for your support Niki!! We need to show our legislators and Governor that people with Autism, Asperger Syndrome, Deafness are not an insignificant part of the population! I need to show that we the people care! OUr voices need to be heard for the much needed change to happen. It’s a win all the way around!

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