A Message to Fathers In this special edition of Top of the Spectrum News, Samuel Allen (diagnosed with Aspergers) addresses the fathers who are having a difficult time accepting their child’s diagnosis. This hits home for many as Sam speaks from the heart (he spoke while we let the camerasContinue Reading

Top of the Spectrum News: College and Aspergers Syndrome Guest(s): Dr. Marc Ellison/Executive Director of the West Virginia Autism Training Center  Dr. Marc Ellison and his staff have created a template most colleges dream about…a successful program whereas a person diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome or High-Functioning Autism have a supportContinue Reading

The launch of a new pilot program positions Microsoft as the latest corporate giant looking to tap the employment potential of those on the spectrum. The company says plans are underway to hire individuals with autism for full-time positions at its Redmond, Wash. headquarters. Microsoft says it will hire peopleContinue Reading