20 Things That a Successful Adult with Aspergers Understands and Incorporates Into Daily Life

Starting from an early age, many Aspergers adults consistently feel like they have little chance of success, productivity, or joy in the real world. Negative early-life experiences that typically fall under the categories of isolation, ignorance, exclusion, or sheltering, in addition to present challenges, collectively form this delusional mental/emotional construct.

Fortunately, Aspergers adults who claim to have it hard have the power to turn the tables of their lives right-side-up and to make incredible progress as adults in both their personal and professional lives. Even though Aspergers adults usually have numerous struggles in adulthood for countless reasons, there are crucial practices they can incorporate into their daily lives to work towards success. The happiest and most successful Aspergers adults significantly understand:

  1. Self-awareness and how to practice it every day
  2. Most about Aspergers itself and how it applies to them every day
  3. How much love and kindness s/he receives, even at times when it does not appear evident
  4. Perfectionism and how to use it and to manage it
  5. His/her weaknesses and challenges and the fact that s/he must increase knowledge on them
  6. Emotional intelligence and how to work towards it
  7. All aspects of health and how to build and maintain it
  8. Time management, despite stereotypical or actual difficulties
  9. Useful business concepts, such as networking and official greetings
  10. Leadership principles and how to manage and/or guide situations in any kind of leadership role
  11. Communication techniques and their various contexts
  12. Self-advocacy: Taking control of major decisions in life
  13. Basic Living skills: Includes housework, money management, maintenance of home, car, etc.
  14. Isolation: how to positively perceive it and how to put an end to it
  15. Employment concepts and how its “puzzle pieces” fit together in the Aspergers individual’s life
  16. Spiritual/religious concepts and how to use books, teachings, sermons, church services, etc. for personal gains and for a strong relationship with God (or other figures in religion)
  17. (If applicable) parenting skills and how to apply them across a child’s various circumstances and stages of development
  18. Relationship dynamics of all kinds and how this knowledge applies to any kind of interpersonal engagement; each person, age, location, and purpose for presence has differences from situation to situation
  19. What makes a person physically, mentally, and socially strong and how such strategies apply to them
  20. Important life lessons that directly and fully resonate with them, as well as where to find them and how to learn them while blocking out false information

These are 20 of the endless lessons for adults to learn in life. No one can master it all, but Aspergers adults, like anybody else, deserves to embrace such lessons and enjoy all that their lives have to offer to them.

By Reese Eskridge

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  1. Where are these lessons? How are they coming to understand them? Are they written down somewhere? I’d love to read them. Thanks!

  2. Loved your list “20 Things an Adult with Asperger’s Understands…”. At age 50-something I barked up the last wrong tree and zeroed on Asperger’s. At 71 the pervasive effects of same are not too imperfectly understood by me and I know where my edges are and do have an effect on the world around me. I try not to terrorize the nermals on purpose. I will never get to Asperger’s Valhalla but That doesn’t matter any more anyway.
    Just don’t call Asperger’s anything else. It has a life of its own lol.

  3. Great questions. But how many people, neurotypical or other, know the answers? I see a whole book right there with answers applicable to those with Asbergers at work.

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