What are the Main Causes of Depression for Those with ASD Level One/Asperger’s Syndrome?
Why are there higher rates of depression in those with AS? There may be some genetic predisposition to depression for some, but this doesn’t explain most cases of depression. One reason for depression is isolation and loneliness. Despite the misconception that people with AS prefer being alone, research shows thatContinue Reading
Steps To Competence Among Neuro-Typicals
I believe the most important basic need is our need to be needed. Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is a motivational theory in psychology that explains the five different levels of human needs. He states that a sense of safety and security is our most basic need, aside from food andContinue Reading
It Is A Mindset: Takiwātanga
Raising a son with ASD set me apart from neurotypical parents quickly and a bit harshly. Sam is now 29 years of age and albeit a long journey, he is doing far better than doctors predicted or nay-sayers nay- sayed in those early years. While we know the challenges, itContinue Reading
How to Cope with Anxiety and Fear
Anxiety symptoms and reactions are very common in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). They can interfere with functioning across home, community and school settings. Scientific studies have found that from 11 to 84 percent of youth with autism suffer from anxiety symptoms – intense fear, trouble concentrating, rapid heartbeat, tension, restlessnessContinue Reading
Communicating Strengths and Needs in College
Whether or not a student should formally disclose an autism spectrum disorder to disability support staff at a college or university is a personal decision one should make after thoughtful consideration. It is my opinion, however, that students have the potential for a better college experience when they provide facultyContinue Reading
The Power of Different
Dr. Gail Saltz discusses how the Autistic Brain is uniquely wired to offer special gifts neurotypicals only wish they possessed. From her book, The Power of Different, a glimpse (medically speaking) into the brain of a person with Autism.Continue Reading
ASD: Choices in Education
In this clip from the documentary, “Coping to Excelling” a closer look is taken at the choices in education for those on the autism spectrum. While the options are continually expanding, it is discussed among experts that one size does not fit all and as a parent, you might chooseContinue Reading
The Sibling(s): Born Into An ASD World
Meet Charlie Allen While growing up as the sibling of someone with autism may progress without a hitch, many harbor feelings of loneliness and resentment. As someone who falls somewhere in-between the above examples, I offer you my son, Charlie Allen. Not until the writing of this blog has Charlie,Continue Reading
How can I help my adult son with Asperger’s?
Q: “Many people see children with Asperger’s and they don’t understand that their needs are lifelong. They don’t see that even if you watch your child succeed at a young age, there will be new territory to navigate as they get older and new situations arise.” This is so true,Continue Reading
The Evolution of Autism Terminology: It’s a Learning Curve, Let’s Do So Together.
I’ve learned something today. The terms “High-Functioning” or “Low-Functioning” are not acceptable. The use of these terms has not been an intentional act to cause harm or insult, nor should be confused with those purposefully intending to insult (a different category altogether). Learn, with me, that using a functioning classificationContinue Reading
Signs of Autism
The year was 2001 and we had already suspected our son Samuel had Autism. It took his first few years of elementary school to gather all the peculiarities, live through seemingly insurmountable challenges, and process his decline in daily function until the clarity of the Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis cameContinue Reading
Using Topic Cards to Develop Social Skills in ASD Youth
Topic cards are similar to scripts in that they can help students engage in a variety of topics, beyond their own interests. They are different in that they include just a few words that describe a topic that launch a student or group students in a particular direction. A teacherContinue Reading