Aspergers youth process information differently than their neuro-typical peers. More specifically, they generally think in a visual, concrete, detail-oriented manner for every task. They like to know every detail about something, especially when it is critical to survival and to excellence at a given task; driving encompasses both survival andContinue Reading

Such a title makes for a bold statement but also dictates a life-changing action. When my son Sam was first diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (then, named Asperger Syndrome) our lives certainly changed. Though almost 20 years ago, much the same triumphs and challenges still exist for him but onContinue Reading

Dr. Grandin speaks as I’ve never heard her before! Opens up about her life experiences while offering valuable tips for succeeding with the Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis. Great listen for parents, educators, employers, and those with ASD. She touches on putting career first and autism second and gives examples ofContinue Reading

Dr Louise O’Donnell offers Quick Tips for Drivers who are diagnosed with Autism when being pulled over by an officer of the law. In part 1 below, Dr. O’Donnell touches on the basics of composure such a the surge of panic/anxiety that might occur when first approached after a pull-over.Continue Reading

As you are in the midst of family & social gatherings, we offer you our best on preparing for the potential nightmares of sensory overloads and societal expectations. The change in routine is the biggest difficulty during the holidays. Below are suggestions for you or for those you think might need theContinue Reading

Jennifer AllenA graduate of Abilene Christian University, Jennifer had a long career in TV Broadcasting. Upon learning her oldest son Sam had a form of Autism called Asperger’s Syndrome, she left her career and became a full-time mother to both of her sons. Jennifer elicited the participation of her familyContinue Reading

Excellent basic overview of High Functioning Autism and Aspergers Syndrome! The Coping to Excelling documentary sheds illuminating light on the topic of High-Functioning Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome in school-aged children. Narrated by a Mother of a son with Asperger’s, this engaging program allows the viewer to ‘see through the eyes’Continue Reading

A Care-giver Series: by Dr. Ghia Edwards This is the third installment of my piece speaking about the health of a caregiver and it has been an interesting journey these past weeks. We as caregivers get in such and stay in such serious modes, that sometimes it takes something drasticContinue Reading