The Monster that Seeks to Manipulate, Fracture and Demolish It is not Aspergers nor Autism, but it’s a comorbidity that, if undiagnosed may devour, destroy and create a lifetime of chaos in the families they ‘belong’ to. A sociopath is a term used to describe someone who has antisocial personalityContinue Reading

Sign Up Here For November 21st Webinar sharing all components of this trail-blazing initiative. Oh…it’s free! Register Online Now for the Texas Driving with Autism Webinar! The Driving with Autism initiative is a first-of-its-kind program out of Texas that is improving interactions between law enforcement and drivers diagnosed with a communicationContinue Reading

Artist, Writer, Director and college student Dwayne Dixon possess the talents of many diagnosed with Aspergers. Though Dwayne does not have Aspergers, he is a strong example of utilizing what talents/intense interests you do have into a passionate living! He and his production team from New York are always onContinue Reading

 Sensory Overload at School Guests: Malissa MacArthur This edition of Top of The Spectrum News looks into the potential sensory overload at school that is often associated with Asperger’s Syndrome. A classroom teacher discusses how these issues may impede classroom performance. Gabriela LemosGabriela Lemos was born in Porto Alegre, Brasil,Continue Reading