About “Liar Liar” Lying doesn’t come easily to me, and is probably the same with a lot of people with ASD.  As for being blunt, there are times when I’ll say something without intending for it to be mean, but it can come across as being rude or hurtful. It’sContinue Reading

Our son Sam is now 22 years old. Together we have discovered Autism first from a stage of confusion, then diagnosis and ultimately the journey toward understanding and adjustment.  This journey hasn’t been taken by just Sam or me. The education and life-changing decisions included our family of four andContinue Reading

We want you to meet Maverick. A man who inspires anyone, diagnosed with Autism or not, to live to their potential no matter the circumstances. It will make you rethink what you believe are obstacles and hold compassion for others whose journey came from a road less traveled. We thinkContinue Reading

If your child (or young adult) diagnosed with ASD has difficulty sleeping and would like to try out a Sound Pillow Sleep System (a non-allergenic twin size pillow with an easy-to-use MP3 Player pre-loaded with 18 one hour tracks of nature sounds, slow evolutionary music and noise files) please signContinue Reading