Interview with Alix Generous on The Thrive with Aspergers Podcast

The following is a recent post from The Thrive with Aspergers Podcast. Host Steve Borgman interviews our very own Alix Generous about the life lessons she has learned living with Aspergers.

podcast, Steve Borgman, Alix Generous, Aspergers

Steve Borgman produces a regular podcast about living with Aspergers and has previously interviewed our CEO and founder, Jennifer Allen. For a link to that interview go here. Click the link below to listen to the full interview with Alix Generous.

Listen to the full interview here:

TWAP50: 23 Truths I Learned From Social Skills Training

Today’s blog post and podcast interview features Alix Generous.

Here’s her bio, from Aspergers 101, where she is a regular contributor;

Alix’s childhood was hindered by undiagnosed Aspergers until she learned to harness her gifts. Now, at 21 years old, she has already done what most people can only hope to do in their lives; speak to the UN, make a major scientific contribution, give a TED talk, and travel the world. Alix was misdiagnosed as a child. Told she had a plethora of mental illnesses and learning disabilities, she spent years desperately seeking answers until she found the right kind of help that enabled her to flourish; piano playing, composing, ballet and science. Alix is an undergraduate student in Vermont working toward a degree in neuroscience. She is also currently working on several research projects studying autism and schizophrenia. She utilizes the college learning disabilities accommodation program and now lives comfortably with her challenges. Aspergers101 is thrilled to offer you the insights and brilliance of Alix!


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