New Resource for the Texas Special Needs Community

I am so excited to tell you about a new website for families of children with disabilities and special health care needs: Navigate Life Texas  (AvancemosJuntosTexas). We at are always seeking informative new streams of support for families trying to offer their autistic/aspergers child the very best in services and Navigate Life Texas fills the bill! If you do not live in Texas, then by all means inquire about getting a Navigate Life (or one like it) in your state/country.                     – Jennifer Allen/Aspergers101

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This bilingual website was designed to be a place of support and a source of help.  It was created by a task force that’s part of the Texas Health and Human Services Commission.

It was three years in the making and the website development team spent a lot of time talking to parents across Texas.  They wanted to make sure the content would meet family’s needs.

One unique feature is that every page of the site was written, reviewed, or edited by parents of children with disabilities and special health-care needs. 

The website has content to address the needs of parents of children of ALL ages. It contains articles on:

  • Looking for a diagnosis & early intervention
  • Figuring out insurance and financial support
  • Family support
  • Education
  • Transition to adulthood

The website has a library of videos, featuring Texas parents, teachers and other professionals, offering practical advice and tips.  Parents across Texas gathered information for a statewide database of services, groups and events. It is searchable by zip code and county.  All of the photos feature Texas children and families!

Texas Parent to Parent, in partnership with family focused non-profit agencies and individuals across the state, are planning a statewide “Navigate Life Texas” Awareness Day August 1st with other community events on July 31 and August 2nd!

Will you help spread the word?

  • Ask me to give a demonstration or distribute materials at a meeting, workshop or conference
  • Post a notice and link on a social media page
  • Distribute materials (wallet cards) to friends and colleagues
  • Create an event or gathering to help get the word out
  • Send an email or listserv blast to your contacts or clients
  • Feature an article in a newsletter
  • Share with your faith or spiritual community
  • Put up a poster in your office(s)

I want to reach a broad audience of families, professionals and the public! The site was “designed by parents, for parents,” but can also help caregivers, clinicians and professionals.

Please contact me and let me know how you can help!

Becky Tarwater
Phone:  210-664-8834

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 Navigate Life Texas Website

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  1. I am exited to know that the website ‘Navigate Life Taxas’ which act as shelter for families of children with disabilities and special health care needs. This website is very informative and I strongly agree that content of this website can meet the needs of families of children with disabilities. Thanks to the contributer who share this information through this blog.

  2. This is what System of Care models look like. Congratulations as this will enhance the lives of the populations living in Tx. and the multi disciplines that encompasses our A.S.D. children, individuals and families.

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