Aspergers and Middle School: One 20-year old goes back to enlighten others!
Having Aspergers was definitely a challenge during the Middle School years for Samuel Allen, but being asked to return to that same school and speak to a support group, Parent to Parent, allowed him the opportunity to benefit others with his experience and insight. Click here for full story :Continue Reading
Shaina Cilimberg: Authorship and Asperger’s
My name is Shaina Cilimberg and I am almost 27 years old. I was diagnosed with Asperger’s in the Dark Age, the 2000s. Back then, there was limited knowledge on Asperger’s Disorder. It was a time when mental illness was seen as demon possession or an excuse for sin. WhileContinue Reading
$10 Donation today keeps Aspergers101 going tomorrow! #THEBIGGIVESA
The Big Give is Today…and we hope you will think of Aspergers101! Set aside as a national day of giving, The Big Give encourages you to support the non-profit of your choice. If you utilize this site and appreciate it’s daily content, please consider a minimum gift of $10! JoinedContinue Reading
Psychiatric Cormorbities
Psychiatric Cormorbities Guest(s): Dr. Chris Plauche Understanding and treating psychiatric cormorbities which are often more disabling than the Aspergers/Autism itself, (ADHD, OCD, anxiety disorder, etc) are discussed in this edition of Top of the Spectrum News.Continue Reading
Reading Emotions: Excitement
How can we tell the difference between someone simply enjoying something, on the one hand, and getting excited by it, on the other? The answer lies in the movement of the body. The way Lisa smiles as she talks about this exciting topic, tells us that she is experiencingContinue Reading
Reading Emotions: Enjoyment
Take a look at Laura watching one of her favourite TV ads. How can we tell she’s enjoying it? She’s smiling, not just in a quick and fleeting way, but with a sustained and relaxed smile on her lips. When people are experiencing pleasure we see the eyes widen. LauraContinue Reading
How does it feel to have Autism? Sam Allen gave his best answer!
How does it feel to have Autism? Sam Allen did his best to explain during the live interview lead by veteran WOAI-TV Anchor Randy Beamer. Sinclair Broadcast Group (WOAI-TV/San Antonio, TX) has teamed up with Aspergers101 in Celebrating the Uniqueness of Autism! Reference to the Asperger Documentary- Coping to Excelling:Continue Reading
States Offered $15 Million To Spur Disability Employment
“People with disabilities have enormous contributions to make to our economy and our society, but they remain disproportionately represented among our nation’s unemployed.” -U.S. Secretary of Labor Thomas Perez Federal officials want existing job training programs to better serve people with disabilities and they’re putting up millions of dollars toContinue Reading
Celebrating the Uniqueness of Autism…meet Nikki Jeanette!
Each person diagnosed with Autism/Aspergers Syndrome is uniquely different and typically gifted with a special area of interest or talent. would like to celebrate those with Autism by spotlighting a picture (you provide) depicting them in their element. Today we spotlight Nikki Jeanette who enjoys combining the love ofContinue Reading
Microsoft Recruiting Employees With Autism
The launch of a new pilot program positions Microsoft as the latest corporate giant looking to tap the employment potential of those on the spectrum. The company says plans are underway to hire individuals with autism for full-time positions at its Redmond, Wash. headquarters. Microsoft says it will hire peopleContinue Reading
Nikki Jeanette – Autistically Speaking
This week’s edition of Autistically Speaking features Nicole, aka “Nikki.” I run the webcomic “AuTalkz”, and I have Asperger’s Syndrome. When I would get overwhelmed (overstimulated), I would have a panic attack. I didn’t know how to deal with it, so I just started doodling. In eighth grade, drawing my favoriteContinue Reading
Autism and Vaccines: A Matter of Trust
There is a lot of heated debate going on right now between, what some are calling the Vaxxers and the Anti-Vaxxers. These two opposing groups both have very valid reasons behind their argument. The basic picture is simple: Despite over-whelming scientific consensus that the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccines do not causeContinue Reading