Preparing for a Life of Independence

Come join us tonight for the final installment of “Asperger Syndrome: From Diagnosis to Independence” as the topic will focus on preparing for a life of independence.

Along with our panel of experts, special guest for the evening will be Julie Coy Manier and and Eco-Artist Grant Manier, co-authors of “Grant the Jigsaw Giraffe”! Come in person or join us via livestream at   Information below.

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1 Comment

  1. Why can’t parents of children of autism put them to work instead of collecting Social Security. You create financial dependency on them by putting them on Social Security. There should be more programs in this country where it will help address the problems with the adults where they can learn to drive a car and have jobs where they can support themselves and not have to rely on other people all the time. Why can’t society see this with all of the adults with mental disabilities needing jobs to be able to support themselves without needing to rely on other people to help them. This is what the problem is in this country now with not putting more people back to work and why there is more homeless people on the streets all the time. The companies better start paying better if they want to keep their employees and to try keep them from going homeless. Should the country do something about the problem to put more people with mental disabilities back to work instead of relying on SSA. This is what will reduce strain on the government.

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