Reading Strategies: Part One

In previous blogs, we have reviewed several of the following instructional strategies that can be implemented across subject areas and grade levels. The focus of this blog, which will be split up into two posts, is reading strategies. We will remind ourselves of these comprehensive strategies as they apply to reading, and I will provide you with examples of worksheets and other resources to utilize.

  1. Chunking
  2. Graphic Organizers
  3. Steps of the Process
  4. Visual Guides
  5. Models of Correct Work
  6. Video Modeling
  7. Incorporate Interests
  8. Technology
  9. Pneumonic Devices
  10. Preview Learning

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more place you’ll go.”
-Dr. Seuss

Repeated Reading: Fluency develops as a result of many opportunities to practice reading with a high degree of success. This means relatively easy text for the reader, with no more than approximately 1 to 20 words difficult for the reader resulting in 95% success.


Researchers have found the following to be effective techniques:

  • Students read and re-read a text a certain number of times or until a certain level of fluency is reached
  • Four re-readings are sufficient for most







My Book Reviewreading2

Your name: ______________________________________________Book title:  ______________________________________________

Author:      ______________________________________________

reading3Join the conversation about this book and share your opinion! Write a review of this item and let others know what you think. Be sure to focus your comments on the book’s content.

Let’s get started!

On a scale of 1 to 5 stars, with 5 being the best,reading4reading4reading4reading4reading4



  1. How do you rate this book?



  1. Enter a title for your review.




  1. Write your review in this space.



This book was about . . .




I really liked it when . . .




Something you should know about the ending . . .




If I were the author, I would have changed . . .




  1. Do you recommend that others read this book? Why or why not?





  1. Would you like to read other books by this same author? Why or why not?





My Reading Goals

Name: ____________________________   Date:__________

This week I read





Next week I plan to read





Something I did well in reading this week was





Next week in reading I want to get better at





Reading Checklist


Name: ________________________________     Date:________________


Book Title: ___________________________________________________


Pages to Read: _________________________


Questions to Answer:







Difficult Words: __________________       ______________________


__________________       ______________________


__________________       ______________________


I have read the assigned pages:           ____ yes     _____ no


I have answered all of the questions: _____ yes     _____ no


I will need help with these questions:








I stapled the checklist to my paper:   _____ yes     _____ no


I noticed that my partner . . .

(check one box)

After 2nd reading After 3rd reading partner2 partner
Remembered more wordspartner3
Read fasterpartner4
Read smootherpartner5
Read with expressionpartner6


My Learning Log

Name:                                                                                                         Teacher:Date:Name of Station:What I did today:The evidence of my work is:   a product, a friend’s initials, etc.Reflections on my learning: How hard did I try?

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  1. Perhaps item #9 above should be “mnemonic devices”?

  2. I’d vertune that this article has saved me more time than any other.

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