I know that this blog is about Aspergers and Autism but I think my job here is also to help people make connections in their life experiences, and how they can relate to other people’s lives. So I will begin with this story. Lessons Learned From Gang Kids: After theContinue Reading

Yesterday was the kind of day that had brought so much emotion. Maybe it had more to do with the series of events leading up to it, but either way, that is where I had arrived. It was time for our night time routine and my son had earned aContinue Reading

The dictionary definition for this emotional state is agitated, nervous or confused. You become this way by something that flusters you. In this case Roy has been presented with a list of powerful words. He thinks he should see some connection between them, but he can’t. So he’s just notContinue Reading

Learning with Less Stress and Anxiety Stress and anxiety create a negative situation, which makes learning difficult. In a traditional teaching situation the need for person-to-person interaction can be a cause of stress and anxiety. A child is unnecessarily burdened by the need to overcome this stress and anxiety beforeContinue Reading