Our son Sam is now 22 years old. Together we have discovered Autism first from a stage of confusion, then diagnosis and ultimately the journey toward understanding and adjustment.  This journey hasn’t been taken by just Sam or me. The education and life-changing decisions included our family of four andContinue Reading

We want you to meet Maverick. A man who inspires anyone, diagnosed with Autism or not, to live to their potential no matter the circumstances. It will make you rethink what you believe are obstacles and hold compassion for others whose journey came from a road less traveled. We thinkContinue Reading

Allow them their Space

 “It seems that for success in science or art, a dash of autism is essential” -Hans Asperger Jennifer AllenA graduate of Abilene Christian University, Jennifer had a long career in TV Broadcasting. Upon learning her oldest son Sam had a form of Autism called Asperger’s Syndrome, she left her career andContinue Reading

Change, Behavior, Aspie

It is often difficult for people with Asperger’s to accommodate to change, especially children. New environments, different people, and unfamiliar stimuli can create for very uncomfortable situations for the Aspie. The following is a guided list of techniques that you can use to help the child with Asperger’s acclimate to change moreContinue Reading

Manners Guest(s): Dr. Temple Grandin In this video Dr. Temple Grandin explains that the development of social skills for those on the spectrum  often comes through learning good manners. Jennifer AllenA graduate of Abilene Christian University, Jennifer had a long career in TV Broadcasting. Upon learning her oldest son SamContinue Reading

Starting from an early age, many Aspergers adults consistently feel like they have little chance of success, productivity, or joy in the real world. Negative early-life experiences that typically fall under the categories of isolation, ignorance, exclusion, or sheltering, in addition to present challenges, collectively form this delusional mental/emotional construct.Continue Reading

Aspergers101 is dedicated to you. I created this resource through a reflection of my own need to gain daily information on raising my son diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome. After yearning to know why our son Sam divided so quickly from his kindergarten, 1st, 2nd and then 3rd grade classmates, weContinue Reading

I want to address the difference between “in spite of” and “because of”. One of the greatest equalizers that spans across all barriers of humanity is that we individually cannot choose when we are born and when we die. I was born a sensitive and socially honest soul into aContinue Reading

Spectrum, Autism, Aspergers

Asperger Syndrome is one of several previously separate subtypes of autism that were folded into the single diagnosis autism spectrum disorder (ASD) with the publication of the DSM-5 diagnostic manual in 2013. The following behaviors are often associated with Asperger Syndrome. However, they are seldom all present in any one individual and vary widely inContinue Reading