Going to college with Asperger’s Syndrome may seem like an insurmountable obstacle, but believe me when I say that it really isn’t that difficult. You don’t need to immediately hop right into a prestigious Ivy League college and shell out a fortune just as you’re starting your college life. StartingContinue Reading

Aspergers101 Medical Vlog series looks at Sensory Processing. In this clip Adrienne Gaither, OTR, C-SIPT with the Autism Community Network, answers the question: Is Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) Treatable? The Autism Community Network is located in San Antonio, Texas USA with an emphasis on collaboration with autism service providers, early diagnosis,Continue Reading

In the last blog we looked at more than one emotion on the face (Disbelief/Irritation). This week one overwhelming and strong emotion is showing through: discomfort. Benjamin is watching a somewhat controversial TV ad and although he sits quite still we can see several signs which point to his discomfort.Continue Reading

In 2001 Film Director Ron Howard released “A Beautiful Mind” to the public, and I was one of the first to attend. After all, actor Russell Crowe portrayed the great Nobel Peace Prize winner John Nash, and I knew I was in for a great film. By the time the second scene rolled outContinue Reading

In 2013 I was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome at 40 years of age. I wasn’t surprised that I had Asperger’s Syndrome, in fact I already knew before my assessment results were completed, because I always feel  different to everyone else in the world. There are times when I feel like anContinue Reading

Our dedicated and passionate founder and CEO, Jennifer Allen, was awarded the Health and Wellness Volunteer of the Year Award at the San Antonio United Way VOYA Awards. Her efforts, drive, and unendingly giving heart have made amazing progresses for our city and the Aspergers community at large, and weContinue Reading

As increasing numbers of children and adults are identified as having either Autism or Asperger Syndrome, there will inevitably be more studies done to study specific employment issues. The authors solicited information from six adults with Asperger syndrome (AS), a classification, which they used synonymously with high-functioning autism, to determineContinue Reading