Aspergers and Driving – Help us Transform the DPS System!
Aspergers101 is helping to safely put those with Autism/Aspergers behind the wheel! Working with the Texas DPS, Dr. Temple Grandin, and our State Legislature (R-Lyle Larson), Aspergers101 has begun a 2-year initiative titled: “Driving Safely with Autism/Aspergers Syndrome”. This project involves marketing the new Texas drivers license restriction code: CommunicationContinue Reading
Medical Overview of HF Autism or Asperger Syndrome
The Autistic Mind is different in both function and anatomy. Understanding the function of the Autistic Brain may help you understand, or explain, the different behaviors exhibited by someone with Aspergers Syndrome. In this edition of Top of The Spectrum News doctors reveal studies proving the importance of therapy, explainingContinue Reading
Reading Emotions: Confusion
Carrie is more than puzzled by the question she has just been asked; she is confused. Her eyes give away her feelings of confusion in different ways. Firstly, there is a lack of focus as she looks into the middle distance trying to find an answer. Secondly, there are severalContinue Reading
Reading Emotions: Concentration
How can we tell when someone is thinking hard about a question? There are some simple signs when a person’s mind is really working – when a problem holds their attention completely. It takes effort, and we often see this in movement in the mouth and the brow. Amanda isContinue Reading
College and Aspergers Syndrome
Top of the Spectrum News: College and Aspergers Syndrome Guest(s): Dr. Marc Ellison/Executive Director of the West Virginia Autism Training Center Dr. Marc Ellison and his staff have created a template most colleges dream about…a successful program whereas a person diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome or High-Functioning Autism have a supportContinue Reading
Reading Emotions: Acceptance
We don’t go through life strongly agreeing or disagreeing with what our friends or colleagues tell us. More often we simply accept what is said. In fact among friends, in particular, simple acceptance is the normal response. (Note: there is purposely no audio with the above video) So this firstContinue Reading
Paralysis By Analysis
Becoming a parent means that you have a lot of extra things to worry about. All kids are unique and need help in their own areas, but what happens when you find out that your child needs more help than most? What goes through your mind as a doctor tellsContinue Reading
Reading Emotions: Boredom
We can see that Laura is not interested in the statement she is reading. Her gaze is unfocused, her eyes look blank. She’s zoning out. But she is not just uninterested. She finds the idea on the page boring, which we see from her compressed lips and the downturned cornersContinue Reading
Reading Emotions: Awkwardness
Awkwardness is about feeling a little unsure, suddenly feeling self-conscious. We can see the signs in the way Evan moves his body and avoids eye contact. He is talking about something quite personal, which makes him feel rather uncomfortable. There is a defensiveness about his posture, resting his chin onContinue Reading
Meet JB Lynch: College Graduate and 3-D Printer Visionary
Occasionally inspiration hits. Not in the form of a ‘big idea’ but embodied in a young person with promise. Such is the case with James B. Lynch. James (or J.B. as his family calls him) recently graduated with his Bachelor of Arts Business Degree from John Marshall University in HuntingtonContinue Reading
Reading Emotions: Amusement
It is useful to think of emotions as releasing energy in the body. When something amuses us it produces a broad smile, the sound of laughter perhaps, but always movement in the body. (Note: there is purposely no audio with the above video) Here we can see that Jennifer atContinue Reading
“Autistic”? – Don’t Insult Me!
by : Nikki Jeanette/creator of “AuTalkz” For the longest time, the word “retard” was used as a horrible insult. In fact, that’s partially the reason why the DSM changed it to “Intellectual Disability”. Hang on, I’m going somewhere with this. So, the place I saw this word thrown around theContinue Reading