Not too long ago, I was talking to a friend from high school and said, “I know everyone thought I was weird back in school.” He replied, “Ken, I never thought you were weird. I think we all knew you were different. We just didn’t know why.” That sums upContinue Reading

Come join us tonight for the final installment of “Asperger Syndrome: From Diagnosis to Independence” as the topic will focus on preparing for a life of independence. Along with our panel of experts, special guest for the evening will be Julie Coy Manier and and Eco-Artist Grant Manier, co-authors ofContinue Reading

Guest(s): Dr. Janessa Manning, Dr. Chris Plauche The Asperger brain is different in both its function and anatomy as shown in MRI brain scans. This medical study explains why people diagnosed with High-Functioning Autism or Aspergers Syndrome cannot read social cues, thus ‘acting’ differently. It is not bad behavior, itContinue Reading


Some of the greatest struggles I had before I went to treatment at 11 are sensory integration problems. My sensitivities to food, certain fabrics in clothes, and the feel of water on my skin created a huge struggle to be a fully functional human being. Growing up, I would throwContinue Reading

Though it can be inspirational to hear that a celebrity has Asperger’s, it tends to be more annoying than anything else. Especially in the cases where someone admits it and was diagnosed long ago, but hasn’t come out and said it until now. There are a lot of breakthroughs beingContinue Reading