A Message to Fathers In this special edition of Top of the Spectrum News, Samuel Allen (diagnosed with Aspergers) addresses the fathers who are having a difficult time accepting their child’s diagnosis. This hits home for many as Sam speaks from the heart (he spoke while we let the camerasContinue Reading

  Aspergers101 is helping to safely put those with Autism/Aspergers behind the wheel! Working with the Texas DPS, Dr. Temple Grandin, and our State Legislature (R-Lyle Larson), Aspergers101 has begun a 2-year initiative titled: “Driving Safely with Autism/Aspergers Syndrome”. This project involves marketing the new Texas drivers license restriction code: CommunicationContinue Reading

by : Nikki Jeanette/creator of “AuTalkz”  For the longest time, the word “retard” was used as a horrible insult.  In fact, that’s partially the reason why the DSM changed it to “Intellectual Disability”. Hang on, I’m going somewhere with this. So, the place I saw this word thrown around theContinue Reading

This week’s edition of Autistically Speaking features Nicole, aka “Nikki.” I run the webcomic “AuTalkz”, and I have Asperger’s Syndrome. When I would get overwhelmed (overstimulated), I would have a panic attack.  I didn’t know how to deal with it, so I just started doodling. In eighth grade, drawing my favoriteContinue Reading

Though it’s easy to get caught up in the negative, with a little humor Nikki J. reminds us to look for the good in life, and stay resilient. Gabriela LemosGabriela Lemos was born in Porto Alegre, Brasil, and was raised in San Antonio, Texas. She is currently a student at UTSA,Continue Reading