Jewelry Designed to Impart how it “Feels” to have Autism One of the highlights when Sam and I speak at autism conferences is the reaction to a simple painting he had created depicting how it ‘feels’ to have autism. His interpretation offers a great insight and a relate-ability satisfying mostContinue Reading

Aspergers101 Medical Vlogs is a series provided by the Autism Community Network. This is the first in a series on the topic of Sensory Processing. In this clip, Adrienne Gaither, OTR, C-SIPT , answers the question: What causes Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)? Jennifer AllenA graduate of Abilene Christian University, Jennifer had aContinue Reading

So, what exactly is ABA, or Applied Behavioral Analysis? ABA is an intervention therapy that specifically addresses behavior. ABA is one of the proven best practice therapies for children on the autism spectrum, including Aspergers. Thousands of research articles have documented the effectiveness of ABA in individuals with autism acrossContinue Reading

Reinforcement in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) focuses on the outcome of the behavior and increasing the likelihood of certain behaviors occurring in the future. There are two types of reinforcement: positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement. Positive reinforcement is when a response is followed immediately by the presentation of a stimulus and, asContinue Reading

Informal Childhood Developmental Checklist Our son has Asperger Syndrome. To get the diagnosis didn’t come easy and the path to that diagnosis was rocky to say the least. That was over 12 years ago and still, the following checklist we received from our school district is the best heads-up toContinue Reading