
Some of the greatest struggles I had before I went to treatment at 11 are sensory integration problems. My sensitivities to food, certain fabrics in clothes, and the feel of water on my skin created a huge struggle to be a fully functional human being. Growing up, I would throwContinue Reading

As parents, you have expectations of improving your children’s behavior. Behavior analysts, on the other hand, need to make sure improvements in behavior occur within the Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) guidelines. These seven guidelines are called the defining characteristics of ABA: Jennifer AllenA graduate of Abilene Christian University, Jennifer had a longContinue Reading

Spectrum, Autism, Aspergers

Autism is described as occurring on a spectrum because the symptoms can vary from a complete lack of communication with others to difficulty understanding others’ feelings. This range of symptoms is why the  diagnostic term is referred to as Autism Spectrum Disorder. Aspergers Syndrome, sometimes also called High-Functioning Autism, falls underContinue Reading

We had a fantastic year of valuable content from all of our dedicated writers. Listed below are our four most popular blogs of 2016. Read these short introductions and click “Read More” to see the full blogs! Aspergers is Not the Same as ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder) By Marcia EckerdContinue Reading

Aspergers101 Medical Vlog series looks at Sensory Processing. In this clip Adrienne Gaither, OTR, C-SIPT with the Autism Community Network, answers the question: Is Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) Treatable? The Autism Community Network is located in San Antonio, Texas USA with an emphasis on collaboration with autism service providers, early diagnosis,Continue Reading

The latest Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fifth Edition (DSM-V), published by American Psychiatric Association, was released in May 2013. As you probably already know, the DSM-V significantly revised the diagnostic category under which Aspergers and autistic disorder previously fell in the DSM-IV-TR. Specifically, in the DSM-IV-TR, Pervasive Developmental Disorders wasContinue Reading

The Autistic Mind is different in both function and anatomy. Understanding the function of the Autistic Brain may help you understand, or explain, the different behaviors exhibited by someone with Aspergers Syndrome. In this edition of Top of The Spectrum News doctors reveal studies proving the importance of therapy, explainingContinue Reading

Psychiatric Cormorbities Guest(s): Dr. Chris Plauche  Understanding and treating psychiatric cormorbities which are often more disabling than the Aspergers/Autism itself, (ADHD, OCD, anxiety disorder, etc) are discussed in this edition of Top of the Spectrum News. Jennifer AllenA graduate of Abilene Christian University, Jennifer had a long career in TVContinue Reading