Growing up there was nothing I wanted more in this world than for people to see me for exactly who I am, and like me for it. I drive myself mad looking for this, because identity is unstable. People change as they get older through a combination of experience, genetic predispositions,Continue Reading

beliefs, aspie

I have three questions for you… 1. How many times a day, a week do you find yourself with a big old stressful decision? 2. How many of those decisions are simple and completely straight forward? 3. How many times does it feel like you’re saddled with two crappy choices?Continue Reading

Sign Up Here For November 21st Webinar sharing all components of this trail-blazing initiative. Oh…it’s free! Register Online Now for the Texas Driving with Autism Webinar! The Driving with Autism initiative is a first-of-its-kind program out of Texas that is improving interactions between law enforcement and drivers diagnosed with a communicationContinue Reading

Join Aspergers101 on Facebook for Livestream Series There are many services available to help children with AS develop their skills and become more successful. Social skill groups, pragmatic speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, and special education services may all play a role in meeting the needs of your child.Continue Reading

Keeping it Safe With all the spooky costumes, scary decorations, eerie noises, and sugary candy, Halloween can be a pretty overwhelming day and night for a child with autism.   The challenges that may arise for children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) may seem obvious on the surface but ifContinue Reading