Anxiousness is one of those emotional states we see in the face; but perhaps most of all we see it in the movements of the body. (Note: there is purposely no audio with the above video) When we become anxious we lose some control over our actions. Carrie’s hands areContinue Reading


By: The Autism Science Foundation Scientists agree that the earlier in life a child receives early intervention services the better the child’s prognosis. All children with autism can benefit from early intervention, and some may gain enough skills to be able to attend mainstream school. Research tells us that early intervention inContinue Reading

Top of the Spectrum News As many as 85% of children with autism also have some form of comorbid psychiatric diagnosis. ADHD, anxiety, and depression are the most commonly diagnosed comorbidities, with anxiety and depression being particularly important to watch for in older children, as they become more self-aware. UnderstandingContinue Reading

 The following is an excerpt taken from the documentary: Coping to Excelling: Solutions for School-age Children Diagnosed with High-Functioning Autism or Aspergers Syndrome. Medical reports reveal a profound discovery in the brain of those with High-Functioning Autism. Studies with MRI imaging document an actual physical difference in some areas of the autistic brainContinue Reading

A meltdown is scary and lonely. A change in routine can be enough to tip the scales in sensory input and cause what is titled a “meltdown” where a person with autism or asperger syndrome temporarily loses control due to emotional responses to environmental factors. They aren’t usually caused byContinue Reading

Triggers.  Buttons.  Those people.  Those situations. You know — those things you react to in the blink of an eye. You’ve witnessed the crazy. Come on, you’ve done the crazy. Why all the crazy? Can’t everyone just stop, please?! You know better, yet find yourself doing the opposite of whatContinue Reading

School is much like a war zone for many of those with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Bullying occurs primarily (but not limited to) the Middle School years. Dr. Tony Attwood chimes in on the torment and potential solutions in this video clip from the documentary: Coping to Excelling. Gabriela LemosGabriela LemosContinue Reading

Originally posted July 1, 2019 by PBS Digital Studios/ Blank on Blank You’ve probably heard the story that Einstein – whose name is synonymous with genius – didn’t seem destined for much when he was a small child. He was years behind other children when it came to learning to talk, heContinue Reading