Power Cards
Another pioneer in the world of social skill development is Elisa Gagnon, who has written about another type of narrative called Power Cards. A Power Card is a brief scenario or character sketch describing how the hero solves the problem. The Power Card then recaps how the person with ASDContinue Reading
How I Feel Living with Autism – The Story Behind our Logo!
One of the highlights when Sam and I speak at autism conferences is the reaction to a simple painting he had done depicting how it ‘feels’ to have autism. His interpretation offers a great insight and a relate-ability satisfying most neurotypical minds. As a result to the overwhelming positive feedback…we’veContinue Reading
The Ultimate Guide to Water Safety for Parents and Caregivers of Children with Autism
According to the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, out of every 4 million children born in the U.S., 36,500 will be diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. And as the CDC notes, ASD diagnoses are on the rise. As more children are diagnosed with autism, it’s important thatContinue Reading
New Drivers License Restriction Code for Autism? It’s in the works!
Whether to drive with High Functioning Autism or Aspergers Syndrome is as individual a question as is the person. For many there is no interest in obtaining a drivers license as public transportation more than serves the purpose. For others, the heightened sensory issues and accompanying ADD make driving anContinue Reading
An instructional video on how to recognize the emotion, contempt
The dictionary defines contempt as a feeling that someone or something is worthless. Here Patrick is talking about his experience of really poor customer service. He felt he was treated badly, and we can see he is agitated by the quick nodding and shaking of his head as he recallsContinue Reading
Communication with Teachers is Key
Developing and keeping the dialogue open with your child’s school employees is key toward their success as discussed in this Top of the Spectrum News segment. Guest(s): Becky Tarwater, Sharon NeillContinue Reading
AuTalkz: Wandering
Wandering is perhaps the least understood behavior of autism, and the most dangerous to the person with autism. Before I worked on this issue, I thought back to any instance where I wandered off, and what caused me to do so. I came up with the three listed in the secondContinue Reading
AuTalkz: Emotions
An amusing moment I recall is when I was home from school once in high school, and had the TV on as stimulation in the background. It was running an episode of “Blue’s Clues”, and they were covering emotions. I actually got one of them wrong on the section ofContinue Reading
Free Health and Wellness Program with Any Baby Can
If you live in Bexar or Comal county in Texas, and have a child with a developmental disability, this is a must read from Alfred Chavira, the Director of Health and Wellness Programs for the Any Baby Can organization. Introducing “Any Body Can” health and wellness program, offering the entireContinue Reading
Overcoming Denial to Participate in Joy with Your Child
It’s not easy to hear that your child is going to struggle in certain ways. The fear of the future can be downright paralyzing and while all children are perfect in their own way, it’s not what you dream up when you first think about having a child. Nobody fanaticizesContinue Reading
The Unnamed Beast: Aspergian Childhood, and Diagnosis in Adulthood
An undiagnosed childhood, or the “unnamed beast”… That’s how I thought of it at first. That is, when I first realized it had been there all along, without my having realized what it was to begin with. I’m talking about Autism. Yes, you can define it through technical or psychologicalContinue Reading
AuTalkz – “Mainstream”
Though it can be inspirational to hear that a celebrity has Asperger’s, it tends to be more annoying than anything else, especially in the cases where someone admits it and was diagnosed long ago, but hasn’t come out and said it until now. There are a lot of breakthroughs beingContinue Reading