Driver’s License Code for Autism? It’s in the works!
Whether to drive with High Functioning Autism or Aspergers Syndrome is as individual a question as is the person. For many there is no interest in obtaining a drivers license as public transportation more than serves the purpose. For others, the heightened sensory issues and accompanying ADD make driving anContinue Reading
Here’s to you, Mom
Moms come in many forms. I happen to be a single mom, a stay at home mom, a work from home mom, an autism mom, and so much more. Honestly I don’t care what kind of mom you are, because we are all equally great, and we all rock! NoContinue Reading
Reading Emotions: Impatience and Discomfort
Guy is listening to an upsetting item on the radio, which is making him feel uncomfortable. He wants it to end, he’s impatient for it to end. How do we recognise discomfort? When we feel emotionally discomforted it can be like a physical discomfort.Continue Reading
Reading Emotions: Glee
The dictionary defines glee as: ‘great delight, especially from one’s own good fortune’ Lindsay has just been asked about a household brand. By coincidence, the makers had only recently given her exceptionally good service, replacing an expensive part at no cost. She is more than just pleased, she is delightedContinue Reading
The Brilliant Artistry of Darby Sparks
While my parents received the diagnosis of High-Functioning Autism when I was very young, I wasn’t told until I was around 17. I never felt any different than others I suppose, but I did notice that adults didn’t treat me the same and that the other kids didn’t play with me.Continue Reading
His Challenge Became his Triumph! An Encouraging Story of Autism.
This is a re-posting, by request, of an amazing young man with a jaw-dropping talent that otherwise would have gone unnoticed if not for his supportive Mother. Be sure and ‘vote’ for Grant Manier in a on-line Wells Fargo contest that would allow Grant the funding to continue his Eco-Art!Continue Reading
Video Modeling: Making a Video
If you have never created a movie, the sheer technology of it might seem overwhelming. You might be surprised how simple it can be if you know just a few key features. If you have access to Movie Maker on a PC, then here is some information that will helpContinue Reading
Reading Emotions: Frustration
Often in life things don’t go the way we want them to, whether it’s people who don’t cooperate or just objects, like printers that don’t work just when we really need them to print off an urgent document. When these obstacles seem unreasonable, or illogical, after several tries to makeContinue Reading
Video Modeling: Making a Video
The following is a list of tips to create and use your own video modeling tool. Videos are short, usually 2-5 minutes, or even shorter The student will typically watch the video 3-5 times at one session The student will then practice the skill/behavior targeted in the video. The teacherContinue Reading
Reading Emotions: Flustered
The dictionary definition for this emotional state is agitated, nervous or confused. You become this way by something that flusters you. In this case Roy has been presented with a list of powerful words. He thinks he should see some connection between them, but he can’t. So he’s just notContinue Reading
Video Modeling
Learning with Less Stress and Anxiety Stress and anxiety create a negative situation, which makes learning difficult. In a traditional teaching situation the need for person-to-person interaction can be a cause of stress and anxiety. A child is unnecessarily burdened by the need to overcome this stress and anxiety beforeContinue Reading
Job Fairs
Job fairs: This can be very daunting for anyone at any stage in the job search, but job fairs are a great way to get to see the companies in your area. You can see what positions are available without having to apply or call anyone, if you aren’t readyContinue Reading