Interdisciplinary Autism Assessments at ACN

For individuals on the autism spectrum, a diagnosis from a medical professional is necessary in order to qualify for medical services. One main difference in the assessment is in how the child is evaluated and whether the evaluation is done by an individual or a team. At ACN, we conductContinue Reading

“The Autistic Mind: Different in Function and Anatomy” Understanding the function of the Autistic Brain may help you understand, or explain, the different behaviors exhibited by someone with Aspergers Syndrome. This episode of Top of the Spectrum News features doctors revealing studies that prove the importance of therapy. They explain thatContinue Reading

If your child (or young adult) diagnosed with ASD has difficulty sleeping and would like to try out a Sound Pillow Sleep System (a non-allergenic twin size pillow with an easy-to-use MP3 Player pre-loaded with 18 one hour tracks of nature sounds, slow evolutionary music and noise files) please signContinue Reading

Taking care of yourself is a must when you are a care-giver or more specifically a guardian of a child with special needs.  “We have to give out of the overflow versus an empty tank. When we give out of our overflow, we are built up enough to give healthyContinue Reading

Spectrum, Autism, Aspergers

Asperger Syndrome is one of several previously separate subtypes of autism that were folded into the single diagnosis autism spectrum disorder (ASD) with the publication of the DSM-5 diagnostic manual in 2013. The following behaviors are often associated with Asperger Syndrome. However, they are seldom all present in any one individual and vary widely inContinue Reading

There is a new trend in Autism intervention called: Parent Mediated Approaches. Carrie Alvarado, Occupational Therapist with the Autism Community Network, explains how this practice may benefit siblings, parent-child connections, and possibly decrease levels of parental stress or depression. We divided this up into 3 Vlogs: 1) What are ParentContinue Reading

Guest(s): Dr. Janessa Manning, Dr. Chris Plauche The Asperger brain is different in both its function and anatomy as shown in MRI brain scans. This medical study explains why people diagnosed with High-Functioning Autism or Aspergers Syndrome cannot read social cues, thus ‘acting’ differently. It is not bad behavior, itContinue Reading